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The Fox Rock Foundation

October 14th, 2022


Karen and Rob Hale through their family foundation, Fox Rock Foundation, made a $1,000,000 gift to the Catholic Schools Foundation’s (CSF) Lynch Scholarship Endowment Fund. This gift is part of Fox Rock Foundation’s 52 weeks of giving initiative. This gift, in honor of Peter Lynch, a long-time friend of Karen and Rob Hale, provides scholarship support for in-need students so that they can attend high-quality, values-based Catholic schools in the Greater Boston area.

As both a talented businessman and generous friend to the Catholic school community, Peter Lynch has an extensive track record of helping bring education to those in need. Since becoming involved in CSF in 1990, Peter has raised over $115,000,000 to provide in-need students scholarships to attend Catholic schools throughout greater Boston. With Peter’s unwavering commitment thousands of students’ lives have been positively changed forever through Catholic education.

Fox Rock Foundation is the private foundation of philanthropists Karen and Rob Hale, business leaders, and philanthropic leaders. Their gift will provide support to students for years to come while celebrating Peter Lynch and his 30+ years of dedication to providing young people with a strong values-based Catholic education. This gift will help improve the lives of more students from low-income families and honors the historic efforts of Peter Lynch in supporting young people through Catholic education. CSF will be honoring Peter Lynch at its 33rd annual dinner celebration on April 27th, 2023.

In an interview with Forbes, Rob said “bringing “financial clarity” was their primary goal in this effort. “These are great, impactful organizations but they're on a wing and a prayer. They have no financial certainty.” Rob, the founder of two separate billion-dollar companies and co-owner of the Boston Celtics is no stranger to the challenges a team or organization may face. Both Karen and Rob are firm believers in the philosophy of “to whom much is given, much is expected” by Maya Angelo”, and we at CSF could not be more excited to take up that challenge to help more students than ever before. 

Announced on October 10th, Fox Rock Foundation began a million-dollar-a-week gift campaign focused on helping non-profit grassroots organizations like CSF to finance new initiatives.

The Catholic Schools Foundation is a nonprofit that distributes over $13.5M in scholarship and programmatic aid to nearly 3,500 in-need students each year. CSF scholarship recipients boast impressive outcomes including a 100% high school graduation rate and a 98% college matriculation rate. Many of these scholars come from challenging lives. 68% of all CSF Scholars come from single-parent households; the average family income of a Scholar is at or slightly above the poverty level despite working.

Many of these families are forced to choose between high-quality education for their children or paying their bills, but CSF has many unique programs for students facing such difficulties; every child should have access to a good education and changing the lives of those in-need students is what drives CSF to its core.

Even with such large supporters like Peter Lynch and Fox Rock Foundation, there will always be more students that can be helped. Supporting the Catholic Schools Foundation has been the bridge for tens of thousands of scholars to achieve their dreams, and you can help. Whether through a one-time donation or buying tickets to our Annual Celebration, your gift brings the opportunity of education into the hands of real students. Students who, without your support, struggle to realize their full potential.

Fox Rock Foundation 52-Week Giveaway:


Rob Hale’s Story

