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Catholic School Enrollment and the Pandemic

February 28th, 2022


Recently the Wall Street Journal wrote an article about the effect the pandemic has had over school enrollments for a variety of programs. In their search for studies, they had noticed a trend of rapidly decreasing enrollment rates amongst public schools in many states across the US. For many families, the decision enforced by schools to not allow students to partake in in-person learning had become a deciding factor in many switching to attending private Catholic Schools. With little hope in sight for some public schools to reopen their doors, these Catholic schools offered a return to normalcy that many families had been begging for. According to several studies quoted by the Wall Street Journal, Catholic School enrollment has seen a major increase across the nation since the start of the pandemic.

This is a testament to the good work of these schools and in putting children first.  Here at CSF, we remain dedicated to providing access and opportunities for all children!

You can read more about the Wall Street Journal's look into many of these statistics on their website.


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